Time to face the Chinese dragon
China is different from US in many aspects.
US is a democracy while China is a one party rule.
US military's strength is based on technology rather than manpower.
But India and China has abundant manpower.
China is continuously supporting Pakistan. Pakistan that well acclaimed enemy of india since its birth.Pakistan,the nation where the terrorists are training their guns now on their very own pakistani mentors.Even Parvez Musharraf has acknowledged that ISI have links with every terrorist organisation as published in a recent Telegraph article.China has aided our long buffer state Nepal in getting into a situation of chaos due to Maoist insurgency and now we have a Maoist government there.How do you think that the Sri Lankan army suddenly defeated and wiped out the LTTE threat from the face of the island.China took the advantage of India's gandhigiri and the policy of non-involvement in the matters of the buffer states, by supplying Sri Lankan military with military hardware and trainign to the military personnel in return of a favor to build a Chinese naval base in Sri Lankan Territory.
It must be stress in this regard that indian army and total security mechanism concentrates in the Indo-Pak border region.If any military attack occurs from the sea by china we have neither enough navy,air force or infantry to defend the southern margins of the nation.
Indian politicians feel relaxed with the fact the the sea stands as the natural border between all the nations and India in a situation of military attack
Indian politicians were of the same opinion too about the invincibility of the Himalayan mountain range as the natural border between India and China which was proved wrong by the Indo-China war.India as a gesture of a disarmament and to secure nuclear deal with US destroyed all its own chemical weapon stock.China is in no mood to show this type of Gandhigiri
We must increase our military strength in terms of manpower and aircraft big aircraft carriers like those of US and many nuclear powered Submarines.Pakistan is no longer so much a potential threat to us as we can see that they are getting paid in their own coin by their own pet terrorists and taliban. We must uproot the holds of Maoists in rural areas where they are gaining support due to the lack of development in those areas.
We must increase our development and military presence in North-East to prevent any surprise attack by China with the excuse of Arunachal Pradesh etc.The recent Dalai Lama's presence in Tawang is very symbolic and in favor of India as the popular support of the locals is more with the Indian democracy rather than on Communist Chinese who have thrown out the Buddhist religious head from Tibet. The population of North-East is mainly christian and Buddhist along with tribesmen.this visit is very symbolic.
We should feel secure of the fact that in the recent Lok Sabha(i.e., lower house of Indian Parliament) elections more than 70% adult citizens have come out to vote,which is very symbolic in the sense that it represents the faith of the Arunachali people in the democracy of India rather than on Chinese propaganda
.However,rather than forming committees comprising of old think tanks its time to do something rather than enjoying a mood of self satisfaction with whatever meagre we have done as more than sufficient.,which is the very nature of Indian thought process and blaming each other during and after crisis.