SMPS problems and options for resolution

SMPS is the power source to the computer and a damage can result in startup problems. It is important to know what can be the possible causes of SMPS problem. I recently cam across a very strange way in which the SMPS got damaged and ahd to be replaced.

I was visiting my brother-in-law's house and I asked him to allow me to use his PC. His PC is an oldie about 5 years I presume. The moment I sat down and started the boot process, there was a burning smell of  raw flesh. It took some minutes to decide whether I am detecting the correct source of smell.

It was the PC SMPS that was emitting this smell.I quickly turned off the PC and opened the cabinet. When I opened the SMPS, I detected to problems with the SMPS. First, the SMPS is a low power SMPS 230W (an obsolete one for new machines) and Second, there was a small lizard which has got electrocuted and created short circuit of the SMPS.

I asked my brother-in-law to buy a new SMPS of 450W or more.There are just certain things one must keep in mind before buying a new SMPS -
1) Ensure you have powerful SMPS if you are hardcore gamer and use your PC for the same purpose. If you are unsure how much Watt SMPS you need to buy, you can talk it out with the computer shop sales clerk or any geek friend of yours.
2)the latest lesson that I learned was to keep your machine secure in a manner such that short circuits arent caused by insects and small lizards crawling over your moetherboard and inside SMPS.
3) When you buy a new SMPS ensure that the number of power cable / points with the SMPS matches that of the existing devices in your PC. For example -  My brother in law have a PATA CD writer, 1 SATA HDD, 2 cabinet fans but the SMPS model he bought fell short on 1 cabinet fan. As a result, 1 fan is lying useless due to absence of power cable point. This often happens when your purchased SMPS manufacturer doesnt match your cabinet manufacturer.


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