
Showing posts with the label security

Setup email notifications in think value ip camera

1. Login through laptop or desktop browser. As long as i tried to setup this feature in imegacam app, there was some sort of error 2. I initially tried doing it with rediffmail but it didn't work out.however, i have to admit i never tried Rediff mail after i logged in into the browser based interface. How to login in browser based web interface of think value ip camera?0 In the imegacam android mobile app go to device information and check the ip address assigned to your thinkvalue ip camera. Type the aforementioned ip address in browser. Login dialog box opens. Your login name is - admin and password will be your custom think value camera's password that you were promoted to create when you first set your think value ip camera up. 3. Settings tab>>alarm option>> alarm sub option>>check, check box option called email alarm and send with picture. Beside this option there is a hyper link called email settings. On being clicked a new tab/window opens in your...