marine ecosystem
ecosystem which are of singular ecological significance occupy 70% of
Earth's surface,with average depth of 3750m & salinity averaging
3.5%.unlike fresh water ecosystems ,marine ecosystems are continuous
& is in continuous circulation via major surface currents , waves
, tidal action, upwelling etc. In the absence of vertical mixing of
the deep waters which constitute 60% of ocean stay permanently at
3(degrees)celcius. the concentration of nutrients in ocean is
low.Hydrogen & oxygen form 96% of total ocean elements.
major zones in marine ecosystems are litoral,neritic,pelagic benthic.
litoral or inter-tidal zone:-It
is subjected to physical violence of waves & tides & to
fluctuations of temperature ,moisture & light intensity. Along
rocky shores we find sandy shores organisms are adapted to burrowing
in or adhering to sand like- ghost crabs, sand dollars etc. Mud flats
occurring in Bays houses algae on the surface & photosynthetic
bacteria right beneath it along with abundance of clams, worms etc.
Coral reefs may be regarded as litoral ecosystems & is highly
Neritic zone:It
constitutes 70% of total ocean area & is rich in species.It has
high productivity due to deposition of nutrients washed from land &
depth of light penetration. Richness & productivity decreases
towards deeper water of this zone.It houses algael communities
uni-cellular & multi-cellular organisms apart from snails,worms
etc.Phytoplanktons & zooplanktons are abundant & support some
of the greatest fishing grounds of the world.
It's the open sea & constitute 90% of total ocean surface.
Photosynthesis occurs in the surface by planktonic diatoms &
dinoflagellates. Copepods & arrow worms are the major types of
The zone is low in nutrients & also in primary &
secondary productivity. Most plankton live between 75m - 200m from
surface. The top milimeter plays an important role in global
carbon-di-oxide regulations.The organisms of this zone live below the
light penetration are dependent upon detrius & are heterotropic.
Carnivores copepods & other crustacea are abundant in upper water
of this non-photosynthetic zone. Many animals have reduced vision &
others are bio-luminescent, while fishes have light producing organs.
Extends from the edge of continental shelf to deep ocean trenches.
Organisms of this zone are heterotropic. It encompasses 94% of ocean
bottom. It is like sea lilies, sponges, other organisms like star
fish, sea urchins, clams, snails, diatoms, siliceous & calcerious
shelled Forminifera etc.