different landuse affect runoff

Agricultural landuse practice:-
The quantities of water cycling in a catchment area is dependent upon the crop type,physical activities and works associated with cultivation and abstraction of water for irrigation.Over the growing season,millet have 22% less evaporation than other types allowing extra water to runoff.Farm roads and path's too aid quick runoff.Ploughing alters soil structure and compaction by the machinery reduces infiltration capacity thereby increasing overland flow.

Urban and industrial development landuse:-
Urbanization results in rapid runoff of rains rather than infiltration,evaporation or gradual movement towards ground water or rivers.The effect of urbanisation depends on the nature of catchment being urbanised,with the greatest effect with the more permeable the catchment.

In the south African catchment,runoff began to decrease 3 years after the Eucalyptus trees were planted and after 9 years runoff had fallen to zero.However,Pine plantation had a slower effect on runoff and it took 12 years before the runoff finally became zero.(findings of Scott & Lesch,1997)


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