What are social processes and describe them

Definition:-When one action follows another and depends on upon and proceeds from the prior act, sociologists speak of social process. Interaction  between individuals and groups occur in the form of social processes. There are hundreds of social processes.
The fundamental social processes are:-
A) Interraction and socialization:-Interaction is a key factor in all social life without which there would be no social or group life.Culture and society are products of interaction. It can be defined as that dynamic interplay of forces in which contact and communication between persons or group result in change of attitude and or behavior of participants.
                Socialization can be simply defined as the experience humans gain of their society in course of their life span from their birth by deliberate or casual learning from the families,friends etc.
B) Opposition (i.e, competition and conflict):-Competition can be defined as an impersonal form of struggle or opposition in which more than one person is involved to get some mutually desired goal.
It’s a fundamental form of social struggle and in limited by social controls.It’s nature and perspective varies from a capitalist nation to a communist nation.
      Conflict is antagonistic competition. It is ever present in human relations.Maclever and Page distinguished:-
a)Direct conflict;
b)Indirect Conflict: Which is nothing but competition.
C)Accommodation and Cooperation:-
Accommodation is the process of adjustments which enables groups to reach agreement during social change or conflict. It’s the basis of social organization.
                  Cooperation stands for all relations in which persons work together towards a common goal.
Accommodation represents different stages on cooperative process. Both these 2 are processes of association.
D)Assimilation:- It is applied to an immigrant or ethnic minority in the process of being absorbed into the receiving society, by sharing his/her experience and history.


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