Discuss the concept of space in Geography

Traditionally space is defined as something ‘boundless, extending in all directions and of infinite divisibility’.
Concept of space was defined by Aristotle as- “the logical condition for the existence of things”. Whereas, I. Newton thought space as – “An objective reality but intrinsically void”.
Concept of space has the fundamental function in Hartshorne’s thesis where he used ma comparison to disclose ‘functional integration of phenomena’ over space that perhaps prepared the way for the development of a formal ‘spatial science’.
It was in late 1940’s and early 1950’s that the concept of space became ‘ a recognizable tradition of enquiry’ in modern geography when F. Shaeter stressed on the importance of the spatial relations and objected the manifest ‘exceptionalism’ of Hartshornian tradition.
D. Whittlesey proposed space as – ‘ the basic organizing concept of geography’. Space is not a singular concept.Space is defined by distance. Distance on the other hand is relation between 2 points.Another equivalent of distance is time. Thus, if distance is different then space is also different. play of distance decay law hinders human activity over space.
Therefore, we can say- Physical Distance=Cost distance + Time Distance
We can also say that Physical distance !=time Distance

N.B.:- != indicates not equal to (i.e., if X=9 and Y=8 then X != Y)
Physical distance between shyambazar and Tollygunge area is the same but the time that would be consumed would be different on the basis of the mode of transportation an individual chooses to take to commute from one point to the other. Tollugunge is accessible on Foot (walking), by Bus, Taxi and Metro Railway from Shyambazar but the time that these different transport types will take would be different.
We can therefore say, Cost distance != Physical distance.
Example:- From the previous example we can say that the cost distance would be different for a passenger who is travelling to Tollygunge from Shyambazar  but the cost of different modes of transport would not be the same i.e., Taxi fare would be <=Rs. 100/- while Bus fare = Rs. 6/- to 7/-.
InTriangle PQR,PQ(Distance ) =(PR)+(RQ)……………(i)Taxi cab distance
Again, PQ(Distance)=square root of (PR)+(RQ)………….(ii)Eucledian Distance
From triangle PQR it can be observed that distance between PQ will have variable results. Thus, the space will vary depending on which path we take to reach ‘Q’ from ‘P’. thus, space concept is based on plurality of objects Space contained in objects is in the sense that an object can be said to exist , as it contains and represents within itself a relation to other objects. Thus, spatial analysis becomes social analysis and vice versa.
Absolute space is objective, real, physical, this concept is tied to Eucledian geometry and to parallel postulate. Acceptance of Einstein’s theory of relativity, led to the rejection of the absolute space.
Recent works in behavioural geography emphasizes the perception of space and minimizes significance of space became relative when they are related to perception. Geographical features like settlement patterns, landuse, diffusion processes etc. show location and dynamics in space.
Pip Forer termed the space continuously changing it’s size and form as plastic space, like the different modes of transport, involving different costs to reach tollygunge from Shyambazar, triangle PQR is another example.
Contemporary geographers maintain that social construction of space and spatiality should not be grounded in objective space (or objects in space) but man-made space within which social practices occur.
Non-positivists find spatial analysis useless while viewing causation.
Marxists view space in practice as a relatively autonomous thing or field , a separate realm of existence. Peet and Saja have been the principle advocates of the Marxian spatialism. They argued for the development of ‘spatial dialectic’ as means to understand the development of the capitalist landscapes and the approach would lead to foundation of ‘adjectival geography’.
In conclusion, it can be said that geography can not be distinguished solely by it’s spatial approach. Geographers should consider full range of meaning  of space and the nature of their synthesis as part of geography’s general task of understanding the ‘Earth’s surface as the home of man’.


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