Types of Regions
a) Complementary
Region :- It’s the region or area served by the central
place. It includes relationships in both directions- country to town and town
to countryside. This area is tied to the regional centre for the higher order
functions although oriented to local towns for lower-order towns. It’s area is
larger than urban settlement area.
b) Congested
Region :- It’s the region where the level of economic
development has reached a scale at which diseconomies can be
detected.diseconomies arise from the continuing increases in the intensity of
the use of resources, in particular the transportation system, and eventually
this leads to reduction in industrial efficiency. Example:- metropolitan areas
in advanced industrial nations.
c) Core
Region :- The term is given by John Friedman for concentrated metropolitan
economies, comprising one or more clustered cities and the encompassing area
with a high potential for generating and absorbing economic growth.
d) Declining
Region :- A region characterized by absolute economic
decline, involving closure of the manufacturing and other establishments,
removal of capital and emigration of labour. Example;- Chechniya in Russia.
e) Depressed
Region :- A region which reached the highest level of
industrial development but now is in a state of economic depression compared
with other regions or while considering some national norms of an individual
nation. These regions are typically the problem regions of the advanced
industrial nations.
f) Downward
transition Region :- These are peripheral areas containing old
established settlements which are either stagnant or declining rural economies
with low agricultural productivity, or the loss of a primary resource base by
depletion of mineral production, or ageing industrial complexes.
g) Geographical
Region :- J.F.Unstead’s
term to describe regions where there is a high degree of homogeneity in both
physical environments and human activity.
h) Geostrategic
Regions :- they are also referred as international
regions. They are macro-regions reflecting groupings of states within the
international system resulting from supra-national forces. These are
sufficiently large units over which certain elements of power could be applied
and with certain minimal levels of unity in outlook and trading activity.
Example:- Heartland, Rimland.
Landuse Region :- A
type of forming or land use region may be categorized on the basis of land use
specialization. It is a spatially contiguous grouping of aerial units which
exhibit a high degree of uniformity in land use type and intensity,
associations of crops and livestock and mechanization. Example:- agricultural
j) Natural
Region :- A uniform region based on features of physical
environment (topography, climate, vegetation). The area contains within it’s
borders relatively uniform and distinctive structural and climatic features.
k) Planning
Region:- It’s a legally bounded space delimited on an ad hoc basis for the purpose of
government decision making i.e., a region which is a direct result of the
societies need to administer space. Such regions delimited in any nation need
not completely exhaust the area but be confined to only part of it.
Frontier Region :- A
peripheral area of anew settlement where virgin territory is occupied and made
productive of particular importance in this context is the resource frontier,
which is an isolated pocket of development, frequently based upon large-scale
investment in mineral resources.