Rohm Nexus Electric cycle Review after 2 years use

My bicycle brand is not very popular and is from Haryana and has no website etc.  It is rather unknown generic brand. I initially checked Hero lectro models but since lower end versions of Hero Lectro didnt had removable battery and I needed removable battery. So, I had to abandon Hero Lectro.

I purchsed it from my local bicycle store. However to check the picture and configuration of this cycle I am sharing the link of this website which I accidentally stumbled upon while trying to look for a website of my bicycle's website for future customer care and warranty registration needs, at least what I thought would be delivered to me.

Only online Link of my e-bicycle on the internet -

I have used this on bad city roads and for exercising purposes only. I also participated twice on 2 separate cyclothons and maximum distance covered on a single go was 20 kms.It costed me around INR 26,000/- including GST. The body material is no very good quality and starts rusting very quickly. Use WD 40 to remove rust and park cycle in shaded place.

This was my second bicycle and my first e-bicycle. I dropped it twice but nothing happened. I have been using it for past 2 years and I can see the following:

1. Due to rusting the joining of the plastic mudguard which was a metallic piece screwed to the main cycle frame was loose and maknig sound when tyre was moving. It has to be replaced.

2. I also had to fix the dis brakes on both the wheels by tightening it with allen key.

3. The battery work erratically sometimes when my tyre went inside a pothole. I didnt fall and cycled as usual but I saw the battery power went away.So, I purposely drove over a pothole next time during the same trip and the batter connection became stable.

4. Bicycle is little difficult to padel if you are switching from a normal cycle to e-bicycle and especially if  you have turned off or not using slight throttle. It becomes extremely painful if tyre pressure is low.

5. I have driven the cycle over over bridges without any problem by holding the throttle ligtly and pedalling.

6. I have reached 40 km per hour speed by holding the throttle and cycling as tracked by strava.So, wear a helmet and gloves for safety and wear sports / walking shoes to protect your feet.

Both the times I fell down my bicycle, my hand gloves saves my palm.


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