detritus ecosystem
Detrius ecosystems are ecosystems which partially or fully depend o the dead organic matter produced in another ecosystem.Example:-Cave ecosystem.In certai subcomponents of the ecosystem,energy is derived from the detrius in the system obtained through decomposition as is the case with some autotroph based ecosystems. Decomposition is important for obtaining detrius through fragmentation,leaching but primarily by tyhe activity of organisms that may facilitate both leaching & fragmentation.However,it must be pointed that not all parts get decomposed at the same time or at the same rate,lignin decays more slowly than cellulose as an example.on the basis of the environment in which the detrius is decomposed it is subcategorized into the followinfg divisions:- 1)detrius decomposition in forest ecosystem; 2)detrius decomposition in grasslands; 3)detrius decomposition in chapparral; 4)detrius decomposition in deserts; 5) detrius decomposition in aquatic...