expalin why india lags behind in deep sea fishing?

India produces 3% of world fish & occupies seventh place among the fish producing nations of the world & provides employment to >1 million people & accounts for 1% of total agricultural income of India.India has a coastline of >7517 Km & it's continental shelf spreading along over 311680 kilometer square.75% of marine fish landings occur along the western coast while the rest occurs along it's eastern coast.Her ocean is least exploited ocean of the world in terms of fishing.The important fish caught are shark,sardine,herrings etc.Inspite of the marine potential of 20-25 million tonnes only 10%-12% is caught at present.The reasons behind this sad state of affairs are:-
a)Historical:-Indian naval fleet remained at it's infancy till the British occupation of India.The silk route the major trade route of asia was land based & india traded via land rather than making a sincere attempt via sea.The pre-mughal era saw the presence of a large number of small states throughout india which made access of many such land locked states impossible & irrelevant.
b)Natural resources:-India was endowed with fertile plains 7 rich forest resource although forest resource has depleted over the years.
c)food Habits:-Gujratis,Marwaris & most mahrastrians are vegetarians apart from many other unknown vegetarian groups which makes demand low & demand can be met from the catch of inland fishing.
d)Climate:-Climate is warm with warm water which does not encourage plankton growth.
e)Food grains:-Fish is a source of protein but in an agro-based economy like India,it can be supplemented by Dal,meat ,egg etc.
f)Facilities:-India doesn't have huge natural harbours like that of Japan,Norway etc. to anchor large vessels of fishing fleet.Fishermen carry out subsistence type fishing.There is a lack of adequate refrigeration which is important in this climate to prevent the catch from getting rotten.Implements & boats used are still at large traditional & doesn't encourage deep sea fishing.
g)Those countries with already developed fishing industry give competition to her deep sea fishing development aspirations.Moreover, these nations have the advantage of an early start.
h)Lack of initiative on the part of state & central government.
i)The marketing & packaging industry in fishing is equally weak & hence attracts small foreign buyers.
                                                             She presently exports about 8% of total fish production to Mauritius,Singapore,Myanmar,Sri Lanka etc.Sri Lanka alone buys 80% of India's fish exports.Although there had been provision for the growth of fishing industry in India but not much attention has been given.


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