Distinguish between Location and Space

Location may be defined as  an area or place commonly recognized and defined , where something is situated. It is normally treated as a point at the scale of observation used. It is divided into 2 categories:-
a)absolute or primary Location:- It gives the exact position in terms of spatial coordinates of an object or place in relation to a conventional grid reference system.
b)Relative or secondary Location:- It considers where an object or activity is located in terms of advantages or disadvantages of a particular location measured with reference to all competing location.
Whereas, Space is defined as areal extent , used both absolute and relative in human geography.It is divided into 2 categories:-
a)absolute space:- It is objective, distinct, physical and real. It’s a dimension focusing on concentration on things (characteristics) and their dispersion.
b)Relative space/plastic/created space:- It is perceptual and socially produced.Hence, it’s the size and form is continuously changing in response to changing socio-economic demands and technological progress.


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