the formation of rochee mountonne and explain the formation of rochee mountonne.
a french term for a glacially moulded rock mound exhibiting asymmetrical form
with a gently sloping and smoothly abraded, upvalley face with
steeper,broken,ice-plucked,down valley face(leeward side).It may be also
regarded as a streamlined bedrock hill.It's larger variant is called
It's formation is attributed to plucking action on the lee side and
in order that the leeside be affected by plucking,there has to be no caity of
any size on the leeside of obstruction.As a result ,tensile stresses and freeze
and thaw processes in the combination create a plucked lee face.
Rostas and
sepala(1981) in an extensive survey of the south Finland found a close relationship
between bedrock joint systems, fissures and the size and the morphology of the individual
forms of the rochee mountonne.Glacial polish near the crests of the roches
mountonnes,gently sloping abraded by clasts will depend on the particle
The glacialpolosh on the lee side reflect the sorting between larger
clasts than the smaller particles with the bed.the crescentic fractures
concentrated at it's crests were formed due to large rock fragments which were
presumably concentrated near bump rests.