Nasofilter Product Review: My 26 day challenge

Season -winter, location-kolkata and suburb
Day 1 : wednesday
Time spent wearing it - 14 hours
Sticking capacity to the orifice of Nose - Remained same even at the end of 14 hours, although prescribed maximum time in brochure and manual is 10- 12 hours

Irritation - Its like eye glassess, except when anyone was not giving me that weird look at my noise, otherwise it was almost invisible

Breathing Problem - None, infact when i was on the way home i ran for 10-20 meters which caused heavy exhale. Even that was not a problem.

Eating, drinking and speaking - No problem.

Comments from colleagues-
1. Looking sick
2. What did others on public transport say to you?
3. Looking like micky mouse minnie mouse eyes stuck on your nose

Note - I had a runny nose during the end of 14 hours and I saw the white part of the nasofilter getting wet from my nasal discharge and I was not able to do anything about my nasal discharge because I cant use hanky or handkerchief.


Today i figured out that i am wearing the nasofilter in a wrong way. See both sides of the actual nasofilter is encased under a very thin white cardboard paper sort of material. Once you wear it there will be one side of this white encasing which was making me look odd. I thaought that picture and instructions indicated it was supposed to be transparent and semi invisible. I peeled off that unwanted part and now i am wearing it with mich more confidence and when i showed my colleagues what i had done, they became very positive about my look.

Today i attended our weekly office meeting which included company director andnother departmental stakeholders without any feeling of awkwardness.

Day 3:

The product is largely invisible with no weird stares except few co commuters in places where i was in a stationery position. My office colleagues were indifferent. I had a runny nose and the fluid built up very fast blocking respiration and inconvenience. This was because  there was no normal flow outside the nose as the only way out was through the fiber mesh which is so small that i can feel my finger tips to be wet only and nothing more.

Day 4:
No special awkwardness because of someone looking at me. May be i am carrying it with much more confidence. Not many noticed too outside office. Today i wore nasofilters standing in front of mirror. Office colleagues ignored or were largely indifferent to their colleague wearing something over his nose.

Day 5:
Nothing special except i had the urge to breathe without the sensation of having something around my nose.i was also sort of rough in removing the nasofilters after i reached home, so it tore from the middle. I also got a curiosity enquiry from the bank security guard about what i was wearing. Like many i got a common teasing sort of query like what about the other holes of the body through which pollution can enter. Some cited mouth for example the security guard. Office colleagues are indifferent to my usage of nasofilter.

Day 6:
Nothing special. I also observed that nasofilter sticks to your nose quite well. As it is winter season and while traveling i would put a muffler around my mouth, neck and ears. The product wont come off on getting a rubbing from other pieces of cloth, that is what i mean. Even a little scratching over nasofilters will not cause any unwanted peeling.

Day 7:
It seems today i wore my nasofilter in the best possible way. It is almost transparent to me also. For the last few days i am looking at the mirror while wearing my nasofilter.practice makes perfect.

Day 8:
Nothing special.

Day 9:
Nothing special.

Day 10:
Nothing special.

Day 11:
Nothing special.

Day 12:
Nothing special.

Day 13:
Nothing special.

Day 14:
Nothing special except the fact that on my way home i find more stress in breathing through the filter. Its not like i haven't noticed it before but i thought i should document the same. This could be due to accumulation of fine particles in the filters of the nasofilter causing problems. It could also be because on my way home pollution level is way high causing stress while breathing. However, i dont have breathing problems and I have tried trial and error to determine that i haven't developed one.

Day 15:
I wasted 1 of the nasofilters as it got tangled in gum. Otherwise as usual. I am more confident and indifferent to inquisitive looks at my nose

Day 16:
Nothing special.

Day 17:
Nothing special.

Day 18:
Nothing special except the fact that i have become expert in "how to put on nasofilter?" :-)

Day 19:
Nothing special.

Day 20:
Nothing special.

Day 21- 24:
Nothing special.


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