Problem of Installing and running Anaconda in Linux Mint 18.3

I downloaded the linux version of anaconda3 environment. This was the first time I tried installing anaconda environment. The problem i found between linux installation and windows installation are as follows:-

1. Intalling in windows was quite straightforward (I installed the same anaconda edition in my office desktop). Its just like going with the flow.

2. My firs time installation in linux was not a clear installation and I realise that my bash file addition was not properly written or went without being written at all.

3. Linux installation is through the terminal and with lot of scripts and downloads taking place one after another which might look overwhelming

4. Very limited or insufficient content on different types of linux distros and what types of errors and how to deal with those errors in distro specific ways

5. I did the easiest way. I understood that I didnt have clear installation. I deleted the anaconda3 folder and reinstalled the setup file (.sh file) for linux. This time I was also more alert and was reading through every command and yes/no type answers that the set up systemw as asking from me. Towards the final installation, there is a yes/no type option which asks user to installer to add startup link to the system bash file, which I chose as 'yes'. It actually worked and the environment ran.

6. I also realised that the anaconda IDE installation is similar to Knime installation as it runs by running a coming from inside the installed folder. Those who has used Knime will know what I am talking about. But this is basically the general problem with linux distros and the linux community must come forward to resolve this information gap which keeps common users like us away from using linux distros in every day life.

7. While trying to install in another system, i had to open terminal ( not using administrator option) then run - bash


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