Renewal Procedure: Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate in Godaddy

I found the process to be quite straight forward. The only precondition is you already have the SSL certificate installed and running with the entries in MX entries.

1) Login into your Godaddy account
2) Go to CPanel Hosting Account
3) This entire segment is sub-categorized under different headings like - Metrics, Security, Software, etc.
4)Under section "Security"and click SSL/TLS
5) The new page that opens, click on the hyper linked text under section -
Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS) and Manage SSL sites
6)click "Update Certificate"
7) Click Button - Autofill Domain
8) There are 3 sections which gets filled automatically as the button you pressed in step 7) suggests
9) In Separate Browser tab open page -
10) Without fail provide your email address where renewal reminder will come as next renewal date arrives
11) Copy and paste, Autofilled Private Key details in Godaddy to the space under the section for your email address, asking for pasting your Let's Encrypt Private Key
12) Check DNS Verification option
13) Acccept - ZeroSSL TOS + Let's Encrypt SA
14) Put your website domain
15) Your Domain CSR file is generated, download and save it in appropiately named folder. Dont rename the default filename which shows in the save option to your personal choice>>Press Next>>Certificate and RSA Key is generated
16)In Godaddy Go back to the DNS Management page to change MX entries generated in step - 15)
17) Edit the 2 TXT entries in MX files which was already there and save results 
18) Go back again inside the SSL/TLS option and repeat steps -  5) to 11)
19) Now The domain certificate has 2 parts- both parts enclosed inside " Begin Certificate" and "End Certificate" that you get as output in ZeroSSL online tool along with the RSA Key.ok!
20) Copy the 1st enclosed part of the Domain certificate in Certificate (CRT) section in Godaddy and 2nd part of the Domain certificate in Certificate Authority Bundle (CABundle) + copy paste the newly generated RSA Key in RSA key section of Godaddy page
21) Press install certificate, press Ok on the popup dialogue box.
22)Check the certificate expiration date (m/d/yy) to see certificate updation has successfully take place


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