lower the PH value greater the acidity & viceversa.-Explain

all aqueous solution contain hydrogen & hydroxyl ions respectively.When there are more hydrogen ions to the solution is acidic & viceversa.Acids produced in the soils go into solution.Once in contact with soil,the hydrogen ions are removed by exchange process.The A0-layer & A1-horizon are vast sources of hydrogen ions in the soil.There ions constantly bombard the bases of minerals & colloids,replace them 7 send them into solution.Colloidal solution is of nutral charge which implies that colloid particles are positive & dispersion medium is negative.This can be testified by the process of electrophoresis or cataphoresis.the minerals & colloid particles which are positively charged when in contact with hydroxyl ion combine with it to form colloid solution.
From equation ...1 & equation..............2 it is evident that hydrogen ions are left behind as a by-product of coagulation,for every subsequent chemical reaction increasing the concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil.

Precipitation followed by coagulation results in down movement of bases & their final loss to ground water.Thus,the soil becomes poor of bases which is termed as being 80%-90% unsaturated.thus,lower is the PH value means higher acidity due to higher concentration of hydrogen ions in mols/litre of soil since PH=1/(H+).

Leaching which is caused by heavy rains is an important cause of soil acidity.As we have already seen higher the valency of the added ion,greater the effective power of coagulation of the electrolyte.This is the rason why:-
                                 Al3+>Mg2+>Na+ & Pb3->  >Cl-
PH value is lower when hydrogen ions reacts rather than hydroxyl ions ,it reacts with chlorides,sulphates Nitrates which are negatively charged.


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