why wind becomes an effective geomorphic agent in the desert?

Wind blankets the sandy deserts and strips  hundreds of the millions of tonne of dust each year.It was more effective in the past(example:-Mesozoic era) than today.wind is more effective indeserts in the wetter environments not because it blows with greater strength in the former than in the latter but due to the separate reasons:-
a)Dry surfaces;&
b)sparse vegetation.
a)Dry surfaces:-
moisture and mobility- when the interstitial spaces between particle pores are saturated,loose surface particles are partially exposed to the drag and lift forces  of the wind.Surace cohesion holds the particles tightly which is maximum when the meniscues are tightly curved out  and they extend  over maximu grain surface .drying breaks meniscuses and cohesion teminates making surface particles  more  and more vulnerable to drag and lift forces of the wind.moisture  increases threshold of movement.rule-of thumb estimates choose 4% water content as limit to wind erodibility although Goldsmith et al found that there was no erodibilty at 1.8% soil moisture by weight.discrepencies like this occur due to difference in content  of organic matter,fine particles or algae and bacteria,pattern of rainfall and sand moving  wind also influences erodibility.thus,soil moisture constraint in the desert strengthen wind's geomorphic effectiveness in the desert.
b)sparse vegetation:-

The shallow layer above the plant has zero wind velocity and is called roughness height which varies with the plant height,vegetative characteristics,density of plant cover and plant litter in agricultural fields and in the semi-arid areas.wind permeable ,gramminiform and erect and spreading  palnts  are less efective  in checking particle movement than the squatter,dense plants .Moving sand and soil moisture constraint  makes plants to grow in a egion where the rooting media is not largely mobile resulting in sparese vegetation leaving large area for the wind to carry and particles.


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