Mention the effects of rock texture on weathering
Texture is the relationship
between the mineral grains that form a rock.two types of texture are
significant for weathering:-
texture:-such textured rocks are weathering resistant,generally.It has high
resistance to stress,shows a large range of elastic behaviour and has low
porosity(example:-0.1% in case of granite).a variety of it is the poikilitic
texture,Which occurs when a large crystal
completely encloses one or more smaller crystals within it.
2)Sedimentary texture:-This is particularly important because sedimentary rocks underlie
80% of continental surface.Here,the component particles do'nt show interlocking characteristics.
Grain size affects the amount
and potential activity of the water through it's relationship with
sorting,porosity and surface area.a high porosity suggests large water
content.A large surface area implies an extensive interface between the water
and the grain and so enhanced chemical weathering.Water availability will
influence the percentage of filled pore spaces and the extent of water-grain contact.However,this
depends on 2 internal factors of degree of void linkage and presence of cementing minerals.there are also relationships between
grain size with both permeability
and capillarity.In nature particles are rarely perfectly sorted and smaller
grains typically occupy empty spaces among the larger,over all
sorting may be low and porosity poor.