Distinguish between kegelkarst and Turmkarst and explain their formation
Kegel karst is a German word and is one of the 3 subjects of the overall category of polygonal karst distinguished by Williams .It's a type of tropical karst.It is known for it's hemispheroidal and sinusoidal hills and star-shaped depressions. Lehmann ,originally designated it.It is also corresponds largely to a cockpit country of Jamaica and Puerto Rico.there is relative relief of 30 - 120 m and a density of 15 - 30 Km. sq..The cone form is not the most characteristic feature of the area. Turm karst or tower karst is also a karst feature of tropics.It's formation is controlled by structures over the lithology and specific solutional processes.As per Balazs's observation they are steep sided residual rising like islands from the plain.they are 100 m - 300 m. high and runs 5-10 Km.sq. they are formed by engulfment of the surrounding ...