
Bengali Film Review: Dutta Versus Dutta

The film produced by Mr. Anjan Dutta - Dutta Versus Dutta, said to be a biographical depiction of the time period around 1970's kolkata.The film centers around Dutta Mansion and depicts the earlier life of Mr. Anjan Dutta and the family set-up in which he grew up.The film shows his view on life and how things went about in those days. As I have already said several times in my previous reviews on current trend of contemporary Bengali films. I am very happy and yet sad to see that film producers and directors are concentrating in subjects revolving more and more in north and central kolkata. These people are not realizing that by concentrating the subjects to old kolkata is resulting in subtle loss of a pan Bengal appeal. It is more of a film about north and central kolkata rather than about bengal. It's a film about life,love,hatred,family bonding,  family values of "Bonedi" families of central and north kolkata. People from old kolkata - north and central ...

Bengali Film Review: Bapi Bari Ja

The title of the film Bapi Bari Ja (Bapi Go Home) is what makes the film sound somewhat like some current offbeat bengali films made in contemporary times. However, after seeing this film one can easily say that it is no where near film like, say for instance Hemlock Society. The film is set in the background of contemporary north and central kolkata. This makes me think sometimes that how can our audience from around bengal identify themselves with the socio-economic and cultural set up of kolkata with that of the place they are living in. Anyways! I leave that open for debate and to the good judgment of the film goers themselves. The film revolves around Bapi (the central character after whom the film is named), his 2 male friends and 1 female friend called Dola. In the very first 30 minutes of the film there is an entry of a new girl called Hasna who becomes a part of this friends' group for the rest of the film. Apart from Bapi (our central character of the film),...

Distinguish between kegelkarst and Turmkarst and explain their formation

Kegel karst is a German word and is one of the 3 subjects of the overall category of polygonal karst distinguished by Williams .It's a type of tropical karst.It is known for it's hemispheroidal and sinusoidal hills and star-shaped depressions.  Lehmann ,originally designated it.It is also corresponds largely to a cockpit country of Jamaica and Puerto Rico.there is relative relief of 30 - 120 m and a density of 15 - 30 Km. sq..The cone form is not the most characteristic feature of the area.                        Turm karst or tower karst is also a karst feature of tropics.It's formation is controlled by structures over the lithology and specific solutional processes.As per Balazs's observation they are steep sided residual rising like islands from the plain.they are 100 m - 300 m. high and runs 5-10 Km.sq. they are formed by engulfment of the surrounding ...

explain the development of a braided stream channel.What is the difference between braided stream channel and anastomising stream channel?

Channel pattern mean the configuration of a river as it would appear from an airplane 3 patterns have been identified,one of which is the braided channel pattern.                            A braided channel or stream is one characterized by a network of interconnected converging and diverging channels resembling the stands of a bread.The whole river system is generally shallow,so that intervening single bars and alluvial materials are exposed at low waters.It is mainly due to non-coherence of load,which leads to selective deposition and the alluvial material is exposed at low waters.                           The development of braiding stream is a type of adjustment that a channel makes due to possession of debris load too larg...

the development of meandering of stream channels

There is a close relationship between braided stream and meanders.Example:-The ana branches of a braided stream definitely meanders.On the basis of the works by European engineers, Lelivesky(1955) concluded that meanders are the result of helical flow. Although this mechanism has been important but it isn't clear how helical flow is related to the width,curvature and length of the meanders.                                 According to Matthes ,bank cutting and orderly transfer of sediment to it's place of deposition on the point bars were simple requirements for the meandering Friendkin's concept is essentially identical.     A meander can't exist if the banks were unerodible or if they were completely unstable.The meander pattern of melt water channels on the surface of ...

the characteristics of drumlins and explain their formation

Drumlins   are roughly ovoid shaped hills of dominantly glacial debris that typically occur within groups or fields of several thousand.They exhibit very strong Enechelon long axis preferred orientation paralleling the main direction of ice flow.The classical drumlins have steeper stross-end slope  and tapered lee-side.Limited relationships appear between drumlins and topography.the topographic locations within which the drumlins are found are many and varied.Drumlins are composed of vast range of sediment types although previously it was thought to be exclusively formed of subglacial Till.Drumlin shapes vary enormously and may reflect post-depositional sub-aerial mass movement. At present 3 main drumlin forming hypothesis are present:- a) Formation by moulding of previously deposited material within a sub-glacial environment ,in which a limited amount of sub-glacial melt water activity occurs which influences moulding and deformational processes  produc...

formation of 'cockpit country'

Cockpits are formed in humid tropical karst regions where simple closed depressions which have convexly inward lobed sides,making them star shaped,with gullies carrying streams after heavy rains are found.They are set among steep residual hills.                         Lehmann   gave an interpretation of the development of humid tropical karst evolution i.e., development of the 'cockpit country'.A prior planation is gently domed, tectonically which rejuvenated surface drainage,which produced ridges and valleys which align down the flank of the dome.This is followed by the development of vertical infiltration and underground drainage causing valleys to breakup into chains of star shaped closed depressions of surface solutional origin.thus,there is centripetal fluvial action supported by rainstorms of ...