What's organic matter?What are the sources of organic matter?What are the beneficial roles of organic mater?classify them.
Soil organic matter is one of the 3 active pools of carbon which comprises of mass-3*10(power 15)Kg comprising of 3 main fractions: a)live fractions:- includes phytomass,faunal bio-mass & microbial biomass.Faunal biomass being further subdivided into mesofaunal & microfaunal components. b)the living soil biota-micro organisms,animals & plant roots. c)resistant organic matter-chemically/physically protected. More than 90% soil organic matter is in resistant form although there the continuous flow of carbon from one pool to another .Generally,the system is in dynamic equilibrium with the organic matter pools remaining the same more or less with time.It's chemical composotion comprise of:- 1)Multiple carboxyl,hydroxyl,carbonyl & alkyl substitutions in aromatic rings; 2)Alkyl C chains often substituted with O-containing functional groups; 3)Aroamtic & Alkyl groups linked in rando...