
Showing posts from April, 2013

Media hype:chit funds versus money marketing companies of west bengal

After the exposing of sharadha money marketing firm,currently bring generalized as chit funds by most of the political parties and profit oriented local press and media houses in West Bengal. I am literally forced to take this medium up to make my fellow citizens aware. We bengalees as a community and as a race are going backwards because of our internal weakness of resolve and our overwhelming tendency of back biting each other,which is pushing us backwards into oblivion. Chit funds have been part of the Indian society and especially part of the south Indian communities in Tamil Nadu,Kerala and else where.these chit funds comes under the chit fund act and such firms have been operational since 1947. I came to know of this through an article of the telegraph. The association head of all India chit funds have called a press conference and tried to clarify this generalization and their association with sharadha money marketing firm. I had the opportunity of seeing the ...

Lava e-tab xtron tablet and compatibility with micromax data card model - mmx353g

I have just started using lava e-tab xtron tablet.I have been using micromax data card for the past 1 year or so in my desktop. Before buying I had read a lot of reviews on the internet and it seemed to me that my data card is incompatible with the tablet that I have chosen to buy. Infact, in the device related docs that I received as part of the package, I found no mention about compatibility between my data card model and my tablet. However, I decided to give it a go and I never repented this risk taking venture. I would like to inform my readers that micromax mmx353g data card is very much compatible with this model of tablet. Just insert any SIM from any service provider in the Data card and attach it with the designated USB cable that came bundled with the tablet.if the data card has no microsd card in its designated will initially see a notification of a damaged storage, do not freak out seeing this notification in your tablet.after a few seconds you will see  ...

Describe a till plain and associated features

It's the most widespread evidence of subglacial action and is a rolling low relief plain.It covers vast areas and are indicative of typical non-landforming or bed forming aspect of subglacial processes.Across the till plains we find distinctive features like: 1)Thrust block ridges; 2)Depressions; 3)Push ridges which show localised subglacial glacial differential stress,local variations in sedimentrheology or the influence of topographic control.             their  formation is due to widespread uniformity of subglacial depositional conditions which however,does not signify uniformity of the till type.The sediments of the till plain give a complex reflection of the local and regional bed geology,topography,ice dynamics and subglacial bed conditions. Other features found over large or restricted area of the till plains are :- a)Lodgements; b)Meltout; c)Flow tills; and d)Melange,which contain rafted units of ...

Explain the formation of hums

It's an isolated hill,left as a residue of the limestone at the polje floor named from the village of 'hum', in the nation of yugoslavian karst.They are often conicle or pyramidal in shape with uniform slopes,but those in the alluvium tend to be more convex profiles with basal steepening of their sides.Asymmetry in the residual hills has been attributed to greater rainfall and the solution on windward eastern sides,giving gentler slopes there(northern Peurto Rico) as per thorp's view point.            Dianric karst feature based on the scheme of Civijic is perhaps the best,where hums form when elaborate cave systems eat into the karst margins and the poljes causing destruction of the karst and causing reappearance of normal valleys.steepheads recess karst margins and the poljes are planed afresh at the lower levels forming some hums.

Mention the effects of rock texture on weathering

Texture is the relationship between the mineral grains that form a rock.two types of texture are significant for weathering:- 1) Crystalline texture :-such textured rocks are weathering resistant,generally.It has high resistance to stress,shows a large range of elastic behaviour and has low porosity(example:-0.1% in case of granite).a variety of it is the poikilitic texture ,Which occurs when  a large crystal completely encloses one or more smaller crystals within it. 2) Sedimentary  texture :-This is particularly important because sedimentary rocks underlie 80% of continental surface.Here,the component particles do'nt show interlocking characteristics. Grain size affects the amount and potential activity of the water through it's relationship with sorting,porosity and surface area.a high porosity suggests large water content.A large surface area implies an extensive interface between the water and the grain and so enhanced chemical weatheri...

Discuss the impact of weathering on landforms

Weathering controlled landforms are those whose formation is dominated by process.Erosional,depositional and complex varieties may be identified. Erosional varieties are formed when the weathering selectively attacks bedrocks.If the transporatation complex is linked to the weathering process then an erosional,weathering generated landform may be recognised.example:-removal in solute form of bedrock,removal of material by action of lichen and algae. Depositional types are formed when transportation process,form landforms,acts on the results of weathering.Example:-scree. In Complex type weathering plays a major role but unrelated transport process actually generate relief.Example:-tor. erosional forms:- a)Microforms:- Smaller erosional landforms can not be atributed to a single process.chemical alteration may exploit an existing weakness (perhaps a set of microcracks) and may be associated with biological weathering ,often due to lichen colonisation.uder a suitable conditions...

Discuss the various processes of physical weahtering of the rocks

Physical weathering refers to the disintegration of the rocks due to temperature variations,frost actions,wind etc. there are 6 such processes:- a)Low temperature based weathering:- 1) Freeze-thaw weathering:- this is the process which occurs when the water freezes and expands in volume within the rocks. a) by freezing of 'in-place' water:- When water freezes a 95% volumetric expansion takes place because water molecules take a hexagonal arrangement which occupies more space than their relatively close packed distribution in liquid phase.this expansion generates a pressure of 207 MPa (a theoretical pressure),at -22 degree Celsius under the optimum conditions,against the containing walls in a closed system.this pressure is much greater than rock tensile strength,which is rarely more than 10 MPa.Even if theoretical pressure is not reached,the actual stress generated are sufficient to shatter rocks. b) By water migration and ice growth:- This model is dyna...